Chapter 2 (F!LS) is released!

Chapter 2 (for F!LS only) is here!

  • See the initial effects of your company's choice at the end of Ch1
  • Participate in a photoshoot for the drama
  • Meet a surprise guest who pops in on set

Next will be Chapter 2 for M!LS which I unfortunately couldn't finish but I felt I'd been silent for so long, I wanted to at least get this out

Thank you all for waiting; residency is and will continue to kick my ass for the foreseeable future so I'm unsure of estimates for the next update, but I'm trying! As always, I am eager for feedback! <3

(Also, the new Sugarcube update for Twine broke some things for me. I tried to fix story issues and changed some variables which means you should restart for the smoothest experience. idk how to fix the sidebar but that's a problem for future me)


CCIY (22).html 761 kB
May 20, 2024
CCIY (39).html 849 kB
20 days ago

Get Crash Course in You


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Yay update time! 🎉



Btw what does M!ls and F!ls mean???


I think it's Male Lee Seol and Female Lee Seol


So happy to see this upon logging in! Thanks for the update, and I hope crafting the M!LS chapter goes even more smoothly than expected :) 


thank you for the update! Please take your time with it!